5 Stress Reducing Neck Pain Stretches

We’re on our phones, computers, picking up our little ones and generally slumping all day long. (You may even be doing it right now!) Stress induced neck pain is very common and it can be debilitating. This is how I have nursed mine. Slow things down. Breath deeply. Concentrate on your breath. Dim the lights (or turn all the lights in the room out except for a small lamp.) And find some peace. Now try these 5 stretches as you breath in your nose and out your mouth.

Stretch 1: Crossed legged reach overs – sit cross legged and place one forearm on the floor beside you. Reach up and over with the other arm creating length in your spine and neck. Keep your gaze straight ahead. Breathing deeply and envisioning space between each vertebrae. Follow with the opposite side.

Stretch 2: Cross legged reach overs & head down – same as stretch 1 but tick your head slightly down taking your gaze to the floor in front of you. Notice the shift in the stretch to the side of the back of your neck. These muscles are so fatigued all day long as we stare at our screens. Take this time to reverse some of that damage and show your neck some love. Follow with the opposite side.

Stretch 3: Child’s Pose – come on to all fours with a wide stance if your legs. Sink your hips back and reach your arms up overhead engaging the floor. Envision the top of your head and your tail bone lengthening and pulling in opposite directions creating space in your spine and neck.

Stretch 4: Thread the Needle – come back onto all fours and take one arm and thread it between the space in the opposite arm. Sink your hips back until you feel a nice stretch. Follow with the opposite sideStretch 5: praying twists – come back onto all fours and then twist your torso to one side so you can join your palms together into a praying position. Follow with the opposite side.
This will need some finessing and proper lingo, but good for now.